How to Guides

​How to Set Up Meta Pixel with Standard Events Purchase, ATC, Checkout (For Shopify)

​How to Set Up Meta Pixel with Standard Events Purchase, ATC, Checkout (For Shopify)

An essential part of implementing Meta ads is setting up your Meta pixel with key events like purchase and add to cart. Tracking these events on your Shopify storefront will help your marketing team not only understand and troubleshoot customer behaviour but it will also provide useful feedback on which Meta ads are converting for your business. 


Setting up the meta pixel for events tracking requires several procedures, but this guide will walk you through each of them, step-by-step. 

How to set up the Meta pixel with events:

  1. Create the pixel 
  2. Add people and assets 
  3. Verify domains
  4. Add events tracking

Create the Pixel

Step 1

Log into with your credentials to access your Meta Business Suite.

Step 2

In the bottom left corner, click the gear icon to open your Business Settings.

Step 3

On the left-hand side, under "Data sources," click "Pixels".

Step 4

Click on "Add".

Step 5

Give your pixel a name and add your website, then click "Continue".

Step 6

Select "Set up the pixel now". 

Step 7

Select "Add code using a partner integration". 

Step 8

Select “Shopify”.

Step 9

You will see this window. You are asked to connect your Shopify store to your Facebook account. Keep this window open because you’ll come back to it later.

Step 10

Go to your Shopify store. Click “Online Store” on the left-hand side.

Step 11

Click “Preferences”.

Step 12

Scroll down until you see “Facebook Pixel,” then click “Set up Facebook”.

Step 13

Click the green button, “Add sales channel”.

Step 14

Click the green button, “Connect account”.

Step 15

Select the account that you want to connect to.

Step 16

Select the business manager associated with your pixel, then click “Connect”.

Step 17

Select “Maximum” for preference, then click “Save”.

Step 18

Connect to the pixel you just created.

Step 19

Check the box to agree to Facebook’s terms and conditions.

Step 20

Click “Submit for review”.

Step 21

You are now able to run ads on Facebook and Instagram!

Adding People and Assets

Step 22

Return to the window you left open. Check off “I’ve completed the set up on Shopify,” then hit “Next”.

Step 23

Paste your website URL into the textbox to check if it’s working. Click “Send test traffic”.

Step 24

Wait until you see “Active”. This process may take up to 30 minutes. Once the status indicator is active, click “Next”.

Step 25

Click “Finish”.

Step 26

Once you have your pixel set up, add yourself to the pixel. Click "People," then click "Add people".

Step 27

Select yourself and/or anyone on your account who needs full access to your pixel. Click "Manage pixel," then click "Assign".

Step 28

Click "Done" to finish up.

Step 29

Click "Connected assets," then click "Add Assets".

Step 30 

Select the ad account you want to link to this pixel, then click "Add".

Step 31

Click "Done" to finish up.

Verify Domains

Step 32

Now let’s verify your domain. In the left-hand side menu, click “Brand safety and suitability,” then click “Domains”.

Step 33

Click “Add,” then “Create a new domain”.

Step 34

Enter the domain of your store. It should be the URL customers see when they visit your website (i.e., “”). Do not include “https://” or any slashes (i.e., “/”). Click “Add”.

Step 35

Copy the meta-tag (highlighted). Do not copy the tag displayed in the screenshot below. Your tag will look different. Leave this window open for later.

Step 36 

Go back to your Shopify store. Under “Online Store,” click “Themes”.

Step 37 

Click “Actions,” then “Edit code”.

Step 38

Click “theme/liquid”.

Step 39

Place your cursor after the “<head>” tag (Picture 1), then hit Enter on your keyboard to create a new line (Picture 2). Paste in your meta-tag code (Picture 3).

Step 40

Click “Save” in the top-right corner.

Step 41

Go back to the domain section in your Meta Business Suite and click “Verify domain”. It may take up to 30 minutes for your domain to be verified.

Step 42

You’ve successfully verified your website’s domain. Click “Done”.

Step 43

Now let’s verify your Shopify domain. Go to your Shopify account. Click “Settings” in the bottom left corner.

Step 44

Click “Domains”.

Step 45

You should see both your main domain (i.e., “”) and your Shopify domain (i.e., “”). Copy the URL of your Shopify domain.

Step 46

Go back to the Domains page in Meta Business Suite. Click “Add,” then “Create a new domain”.

Step 47

Enter the Shopify domain you copied, then click “Add”.

Step 48

You are presented with code again. Simply repeat what you did in steps 35-42 in your Shopify account.

Add Events Tracking

Step 49

Once you’re done verifying both domains, you will add events tracking. Select the 3-line menu on the left-hand side. Select “Events Manager”.

Step 50

On the right-hand side, select “Manage Prioritized events”.

Step 51

Let’s start with the first domain listed, the Shopify domain. Click the down arrow.

Step 52

Click “Manage Events”.

Step 53

Click “Edit”.

Step 54

Click the dropdown menu under “Pixel/Custom Conversion”, then select the pixel you just created.

Step 55

Click the dropdown menu under “Event Name”, then scroll and select “Purchase” in the menu.

Step 56

Click “Add Event”.

Step 57

Repeat the same process for “Initiate checkout” and “Add to Cart,” selecting the same pixel each time. Make sure the events are in this exact order from highest priority to lowest priority: Purchase, Initiate checkout, and Add to cart.

Step 58

Click “Apply” in the bottom right corner.

Step 59

Check “Yes, I confirm these changes,” then click “Apply”.

Step 60

Repeat steps 51 to 59 for your other domain, adding the same events and pixel.

Step 61

Let’s test your events. Click the back arrow in the top left of the page.

Step 62

Select your shop’s pixel, then click “Test events”.

Step 63

Enter your store’s URL (the one that your customers see-- not the Shopify one), then click “Open website”.

Step 64

Your website will be launched. Trigger the events you’re tracking (i.e., add to cart, initiate checkout, and purchase). If you successfully set up your pixel, you will see them show up in this page (highlighted).


Congratulations! You're all set up to start running ads to your Shopify store!

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